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礼品来喽!Giveaway Is Back!

视频链接: 这视频内容已改过,以前看过的网友务必重新再看! 之前参与果,已经把答案留下的网友请麻烦您看看有关视频,再填一次,不然没法找回您呢! 大家辛苦啦! This video has been reedited with extra content! Pease watch till the end! For you who participated before, please check the respective videos again, leave the answer again on the comment box! Sorry for the inconvenient caused! 送一个有效期一年的海外华人最爱,最强的直播应用(成人版)。中港台直播、韩国、日本、新马、美国等等! The most wanted Live TV as a giveaway! Best choise for overseas Chinese, this Live TV brings you live channels from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, USA and more!
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bilibili 多人用吗?

你有用 bilibili 吗? 除了大陆,什么国家的你有用 bilibili (哔哩哔哩) 的习惯? 我不太熟悉 B站,国外用户登录都没问题是吧? 如果Chat姐姐在 B站上载视频,有什想法?Vimeo 会更好吗? 有什么要注意的?请留言指教 😉 You guys familiar with bilibili? - Which country are you from for those who are using this platform? I'm a newbie to bilibili, but I think it may be "one of the" potential platform for further posting other than Vimeo

又比盯上了!😑 谁眼红了呢?

更新 Updated On - 2018/12/2 我们再试一试油管。。。订阅去吧! 有关敏感话题的另一个频道在建设中,有待补充 面子书务必关注! Facebook: YouTube:到面子书找吧! B站: ㊙️频道:TBA 待补充 ______________________ 更新 Updated On - 2018/11/22 因为之前的旧频道被黑,新频道 aCHAT 今天也暂时被 YouTube 拿下。 关于新旧频道的消息都会在这里更新,还请网友继续守候关注!🙏🙏 New channel aCHAT has been taken down due to some connection to old channel. Kindly stay tuned to this blog for latest update! ______________________ 旧信息: 原有的YouTube频道暂时不能上载视频,也可能以后用不了。 大家都先订阅新频道吧!- aCHAT YouTube 频道 关于新旧频道的消息都会在这里更新,还请网友继续守候关注!🙏 Got strikes again! Not able to continue posting on existing channel for time being. Do subscribe to my new YouTube channel for upcoming videos. This blog will be the place to keep you updated with latest! 新:aCHAT YouTube 频道 旧:anotherCHAT YouTube 频道

WELCOME TO anotherCHAT | 欢迎来到另一个聊天

赏脸的,网友都叫我 CHAT姐姐。 我的中文不是很好 (也不是其它语言很好的意思), 一點都不标准。 但網上有關於Kodi這一類的中文教程很少,所以還是选择了用一点中文,希望可以幫到以中文為主的朋友們! Get Kodi Tutorials, Tech Reviews, Unboxing Videos and my thoughts about everything. It Can Be Anything! Feel free to join me. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for upcoming that might be helpful to you. 如果你对 Kodi 一系列的教程有兴趣,敬请关注,订阅 anotherCHAT YouTube 频道。 💟 A message to you who donated to anotherCHAT YouTube Channel | 致捐赠者的信息 💟 “THANK YOU SO MUCH. It meant so much and I cannot Thank You enough for supporting me on this channel! ” “ 衷心的感谢您对这个频道的支持。谢谢您!  ” anotherCHAT YouTube 频道